Sometimes it is hard for me to take the plunge on a 750mL bottle that I have never had before. Especially with a high ABV, it can be a lot to tackle if you decide you don't care for it. Plus, they usually run over $10 (This particular bottle ran me $12.99). That's why, if I am not going to split it, I tend to lean toward a Dogfish Head. I have tried many of their beers, and tend to consider them a very safe bet as they consistently put a smile on my face and more than occasionally blow my mind. Combine this with the promise of a big IPA, and I'm in.
Poured into my trusty Dogfish Head IPA glass, this light gold IPA started with a thick, off white head that slowly faded into a nice thin layer. On the nose, lemony goodness and sweet malts are more forward than the heavy hopping I expected. The bitter hop goodness is at the forefront in taste, however, with a tinge of lemon. As far as I know this is the first IPA I've had with lemons, and its fantastic. The follow up is a flood of sweet, malty goodness. The alcohol bite is definitely there (I mean come on, its 10%), but as always Dogfish Head balances it out pretty perfectly. Though a lot of the floral notes I usually enjoy from this style are a bit overwhelmed by the alcohol and sweetness, I am once again very glad I went with Dogfish Head.
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