Tonight I decided to try a couple of brown ales that I had in the fridge, Samuel Adams Hazel Brown and Ithaca Nut Brown. This style is always a nice, sort down and relax beer, and as we approach the fall seasons, it is time for me to consider ( ::sigh::) to drink something other then IPA's. I apologize, once again, for the photos being at the end; the phone limits me a bit.
Let me start by recommending you go out and get the Samuel Adams fall variety pack. Though I didn't blog on all of them, know that this pack is full of winners. Now, the Hazel Brown. Poured into my trusty pint glass, the clear, medium brown ale had a one finger, off-white head that sustained until the last drop. Light, nutty notes on the nose. A sip reveals pretty common brown ale flavors: toasty malts and nice, subtle nutty flavors followed by a slight bitter tinge. As I finished this ale I snapped a picture off the great lacing left on the glass (see @brewsatthebeach on Instagram). All in all, a very tasty offering from the big guys from Boston.

Edit: Apparently the content that I posted about Ithaca's Nut Brown did not save. I apologize for that. Luckily, I saved my notes. This beer poured a dark, hazy brown with a thin off white head. Big, nutty notes on the nose. Taste was similar to Sam Adam's offering but with much more emphasis on the nuttiness. Still closed out with toasty malts. A solid brown ale, however I found the sweet nuttiness in this one just a little too much for my palette. I enjoyed it, mind you, but I wouldn't want more than one
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