Okay, so in case you haven't noticed, these guys are kind of my home town heroes. Sure, there are quite a few breweries in this area, but I have followed these guys since I first heard about them when I got home from my deployment. I was at the grand opening, and I've been hooked on their brews ever since. Okay, and admittedly the fact that they were just a couple of military guys who liked to homebrew (like me) and now have accomplished so much has a bit of pull for me too. But when it comes down to it, they brew great beer, and hopefully their success will continue so someday the rest of the country can try their brews!

Big Red Rye is a Rye IPA and before anyone says anything, yes, I poured it into a wheat beer glass. Haha I don't care, it is the only glass I had big enough to hold the whole bottle, and I wanted it all! It pours a hazy, reddish-brown with an off white head. A quick sniff reveals some light hops on the nose as well as a little hint of the rye. The taste follows the nose to the T, light citrus hops lead off followed up with tangy rye aftertaste. It has some fruity notes to it that I am beginning to assume come from the rye as well (For those who don't read regularly, I am new to the Rye IPA category, and I am always trying to figure out where certain flavors come from). All in all, this beer is incredibly smooth and balanced, as I have come to expect from YVBC. Keep up the good work guys, every beer thus far has been a winner in my book!
PS Only one I haven't had is New Recruit. Anyone else try it yet? Let me know what you thought in the comments below!
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