When I first saw Ithaca post about their Box of Hops variety pack, I was like, "I have to have that!" Unfortunately you can't get their beer here, and I was not planning a trip to NY for a long time. I was just about to give up when I remembered my mom was coming down for our baby shower! I made the calls, she picked up the loot, and BAM!, hoppy goodness was at my doorstep a week later. I waited for an appropriate occasion, the day I reenlisted in the Navy, to try the brews out. (Sidebar: English folk-punk singer Frank Turner was cool enough to do the honors. He's a cool dude, for sure. I got him a special brew from Beach Brewing as a thank you.) After the ceremony was complete, my friend TJ and I returned for some PS4 and hoppy action before the concert that evening.
I am going to be brief with the first beer of the box, Flower Power IPA, because I have already discussed it
here. Revisiting this brew was a delight, however, and its citrus and floral hops are so well balanced. If you are in the North East, or trading with someone from there, get some of this! It is readily available in upstate NY year round, making it a great option.

The rest of the brews in this box were exclusively brewed for this box, and that's just a shame, because The Creeker (a DIPA) is phenomenal. It poured a hazy, light gold with a white head. The nose was a fine bouquet of piney hops. The forward flavors are a nice blend of citrus and piney hop flavors. Sweet citrus flavors follow these hoppy notes up. The bitterness of the hops makes a slight appearance among the citrus, but it is quite mild. This beer finishes so smooth, and I wish I could get a hold of this on a regular basis. This would be a go-to double IPA for me (Ah-hem, Ithaca).

Next up was the beer I was most excited for, but sadly, was least impressed with: Double Zilla. A double version of Ithaca's delicious red IPA Cascazilla, I thought this thing could only get better. It pours a dark, hazy red with an off white head. The odor of this one is full of sweet, fruity notes. Those sweet, fruity notes follow through in the flavors. The malts overwhelm the flavor, accompanied with a bitter, but not hoppy flavor. I really feel the hops were overpowered by all the malts, and that's a shame. The follow up is a fruity, tangy finish. Its not a bad beer by any means, but it was not what I was looking for. EDIT: Just read on IBC's site that this thing is 11% ABV! Explains the sweetness, and my significant buzz!

Last but not least is Dark Vine, a black IPA. Dark Vine pours jet black with a big, off white head. The odor reveals incredibly fresh piney hops. Those piney hops follow through on the flavors. The big hoppy flavors are tare accompanied by some roasted malts, but they are in the background on this one. The hops are the star here, which is what I hope for but don't always find with a black IPA.
I would like to close with a plea to Ithaca Beer Company. Please, please, PLEASE make these beers again! I don't get up to NY often, but when I do, I bring back six packs of Flower Power and Cascazilla. Would really like to add more to my shopping list, just saying.