Wow it has been a bit since I have consistently posted! That could be due to the fact that my son made his arrival this weekend! It has been a crazy ride but exciting so far. I am hanging out alone with him downstairs trying to let mommy get some rest, so I figure great time to do some blogging right? Terrapin took a couple of their great beers this year and did some smaller batch versions with a twist. I unfortunately did not get a hold of the Cinnamon Roll'd Wake N Bake, but I did get White Chocolate Moohoo. I enjoyed both the white chocolate and the regular on the same night in order to compare them with a fresh palate.

First up was Moohoo, Terrapin's chocolate milk stout. Moohoo pours a incredibly dark brown with a mocha head. Light, sweet malt and mocha are gentle on the nose. When I first sipped it I was surprised that there seemed to be a lot of coffee flavor here. The delicious chocolate flavor follows it up, all the while remaining quite light. It finished just slightly bitter, but still smooth and light. The thing I appreciated about this brew was that the chocolate flavors were real chocolate notes, as opposed to subtle ones we perceive from the grains. My only gripe was I wished the chocolate was more in my face, but it was still a very tasty beer.

As if to answer my hopes and dreams of chocolaty goodness, next up was the White Chocolate Moohoo variant. WC Moohoo pours the same dark brown as the original with a mocha head that quickly faded. The nose is an abundance of sweet chocolate with just a little bit of mocha sneaking in. One sip, and I'm in love. Serious chocolate flavor hits the tongue. Once you get over the initial wave of chocolate induced delight, you can notice that you are getting a combination of both delicious milk chocolate and creamy, vanilla white chocolate notes. That hint of mocha from the nose sneaks in at the end, but not nearly as prominent
as the original Moohoo. For me, it was no contest, and I hope to see White Chocolate Moohoo on our shelves again.
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