Okay, let's start by dealing with the glaringly obvious fact that after the first day I went a few days without doing another Christmas beer. Truth is, I didn't feel like having a beer the next day. Or really the day after. So I decided, "Heck, I will get to them when I get to them!" It's craft beer, after all, and it should have not stringent rules and should merely be enjoyed. So I am going to enjoy them as I feel throughout the Christmas season!

First up was Weyerbacher's Winter Ale. This winter brew pours a clear but very dark reddish-brown with a beige head. There is a slight nutty aroma on the nose, but to be honest there is not much of anything there. That light nuttiness follows through on the flavors followed by some mild hop notes. This one surprised me because most winter beers are big and bold, where this is more of a light, brown ale. It is very drinkable and a solid alternative to heavier winter beers. My only disappointment was that I was looking for something a little more bold at the time.
Next up is a seasonal classic that I had not had until this evening: Sierra Nevada's Celebration Ale. Sierra Nevada mixes it up by offering us an IPA instead of a typical winter warmer or stout, and I dig that. Celebration pours a dark, clear amber with an eggshell head. The nose on this brew is intensely piney with some sweet citrus hops to compliment. A quick sip and "Holy bitter pine hops, Batman!" There are big, piney flavors forward that pretty much remain on your palate. Joining these pine notes come more mild citrus and spice flavors. Now, contrary to popular belief, there are no spices added to this beer; all of these notes are created with hops. I can see why people may think so, however, because there certainly is something to this beer that sets it aside from your typical bitter IPA. I am glad I finally tried this classic holiday favorite, and it is something I will look forward to every year from here on out. Cheers!
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