Hiya! Haha the other night my friends and I enjoyed some beast ninja action from Westbrook Brewing Company out of Mt Pleasant, SC. This bottle caught my eye not only with its great name, but the fact that it is a double IPA with grapefruit added. That is exciting because grapefruit flavors are often prevalent in this style, and to compliment them with actual grapefruit sounded fantastic. So I brought this bottle back from SC and shared it with my friends.

Citrus Ninja Exchange pours a hazy gold with a thin white head. Sweet malts take the majority of the nose here, with little hints of citrus. I sniffed a little longer than usual hoping to pick up more citrus notes since that was what I was excited for. I was worried I may be disappointed. I was wrong. The citrus is WAY more prevalent in the flavor! Big grapefruit flavor hits you up front, followed by slightly sweet malts and a light, bitter finish. Wow, this stuff is refreshing! It is so smooth and delicious. Look out though, folks, because the taste would never suggest that this stuff is 9.5% ABV. So don't get tempted to knock this back too quickly! All in all, I would say the use of grapefruit and other citrus flavors was a great success, and it has inspired me to attempt something similar in my homebrew experiments. So help me name it! I'll be blogging about it soon, but if you have any creative (clean) names for an orange double IPA, leave it in the comments below
. It'll be hard to beat "Citrus Ninja Exchange," but let's try!
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