Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sierra Nevada's DevESTATEtion Black IPA

Every year Sierra Nevada creates an Estate ale using the barely and hops grown on their own estate. This year, however, their barley crops were destroyed by mother nature. In true craft beer fashion, they took a bad situation and took it as an opportunity to create something new. Their DevESTATEtion Ale is the what they came up with.

This black IPA pours a clear, very dark (almost black) brown with a fluffy off white head. Waft this one and you will find a nice combination of roasted malts and light, piney hops. The flavor is almost stout-like. Big, delicious roasted malts at the forefront of this brew. The bitter pine hops wrap it all up. Black IPAs tend to be hit or miss for me. They only work if the roasted malts transition nicely into the hops. Sierra Nevada hits this one right on the mark. This beer is incredibly smooth and balanced. Hopefully this isn't a one-off, because I would like to see more of this next year! Just in case, go grab some!

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