Saturday, September 7, 2013

Sierra Nevada's Flipside

Sierra Nevada is a go-to brand for me. If I want to try something new with very little fear of being disappointed, I check out what's up in the Sierra Nevada section of my Total Wine. So while browsing for a lower alcohol content (should put lower in quotations, it is 6.3%) beer to sip on for my anniversary, I came across Sierra Nevada's Flipside Red IPA. 
Flipside pours a clear, dark red with a thick, one finger, tan head. Big floral hops on the nose here. Before even tasting it I knew I was going to get more than I expected from this one. For some reason I was thinking more red ale, less IPA. Ha. Wrong! My first sip revealed big, fresh hop flavor. Balancing out the bitterness of the hops are the slightly sweet fruit backings of a red ale. This is an great in between seasons brew, and at about $8 for a six pack, you won't have to break the bank to enjoy it. Between this and Ithaca's Cascazilla, I think I have found a style that is quickly becoming one of my new favorites: Red IPA. Cheers!

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